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Tutoring at IGNITE

Tutoring will take place 2 times a week IF needed/identified by teacher.
Students will be given a written invitation to attend teaching when identified as needing remediation or assistance.

Through the use of targeted tutoring and remediation meetings during the Friday Power Hours time, IGNITE is planning the following strategies to improve academic outcomes across the campus: 

Strategy 1: Reading and math teachers will provide targeted, skill-specific tutoring for students under-performing on that specific skill weekly. Teachers will use a blend of platforms like IXL and other district-approved adaptive software.

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased performance across all bands and improvement toward student growth goals.

Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Reading/Math Classroom Teachers and Demonstration Teachers

Strategy 2: Teachers will utilize technology in the classroom through 1:1 Chromebook access, adaptive software, and digital Classroom Management Systems (ie. electronic hall pass, Thrively, Class Dojo) to provide direct, personalized in-the-moment feedback to every scholar. Devices will be protected and repairs prioritized.

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: In-the-moment feedback and real-time progress monitoring will allow teachers to immediately target specific needs to improve domain 1 student outcomes.

Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Campus Coordinator

Strategy 3: African American students will be invited to participate in Dallas ISD's African American Success Initiative mentoring program with strong teacher leadership where goal setting and vision crafting will frame their perceptions of ability.

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased engagement, leadership, and growth targets on campus by African American students.

Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Campus Coordinator, AASI Mentors